What makes WordPress stand alone among all blogging platforms is the rich library of plugins .
With plugins you can do almost anything on a WordPress blog . If you wish to conduct quizzes or surveys on your blog , then here are the best
WordPress plugin for you .
WordPress Plugin lets you add quiz to your blog. This plugin is designed to be as easy to use as possible. Quizzes, questions and answers can be added from the admin side. This will appear in your post if you add a small HTML comment in your post.
This plugin adds a quiz function to your WordPress website.you can handle Multiple Choice and True/False questions. Quiz master is also capable of storing a library of questions and randomly selecting a certain amount. Features email sending to admin or any other email address upon person completing quiz. Also gives option to show score, incorrect and correct answers to the person taking it upon completion.
Quizzin lets you create quizzes with any number of questions in it. Each question can have many answers in which one should be marked as the correct answer.You can add the quiz in a post by including the html comment [QUIZZIN 1] in the post. Here 1 is the ID of the quiz to be included.
Hexam is very easy to use wordpress quiz plugin, you can create a lot of tests in your site and place it in posts or pages. You can choose how many questions each quiz may contain, you can also set number of answers for each question. Users can send their results after doing test. You can also view how many points each user has scored and you can see and post users’ ranking table in wp.
This plugin allows users to create quizzes, surveys or polls hosted on their WordPress blog. It features the ability to limit quizzes and surveys to one submission per IP address.You can also limit the quizes and surverys to registered users only . You can also issue PDF certificates to the successful quizzers .
This quiz plugin provides touch friendly interface .You can specify hints based on answer selection; give a detailed explanation of the solution; choose multiple correct answers; specify when the correct answers are displayed; specify if a question may be attempted only once or many times; specify point values for each question; include customized start and finish screens; randomly order questions and/or answers; and more.