Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query. SEO thus helps you get traffic from search engines.

Pay Per Click

Short for pay per click, PPC is an Internet marketing formula used to price online advertisements. In PPC programs the online advertisers will pay Internet Publishers the agreed upon PPC rate when an ad is clicked on, regardless if a sale is made or not.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the process of promoting your enterprise, website, project or event through social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Stumble, YouTube or LinkedIn.

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SEO Haat - SEO India is an SEO expert group that offers quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Guaranteed Top 10 search engine ranking on Google, Yahoo and MSN. SEO India provides beginners SEO tips and techniques, Google SEO tricks and free Search Engine Optimization tips for Google Yahoo and MSN search engines including internet marketing and affiliate marketing tips.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SEO On Page Optimization Mastery

Lots Of people naturally thinks that the secret to high search engine rankings starts with backlinks. If you have thought that then I’m sorry tohave to tell you this, but you are wrong.

SEO On Page Optimization Mastery
The starting block to high search engine rankings starts with having a site that is very well optimized for the search engines.

The Basics Of On Page SEO -

I’ve read a number of times on the Internet after the latest Google algorithm change that on page search engine optimisation has become even more important than it was before.

Let’s look at two examples here. Say for example you have a poorly optimized website but do an aggressive link building campaign. And let’s look at a site that is well optimised to the search engines and does a moderately building campaign.

Which site do you think will have the best results?

A few years ago I probably would have said the first site. However, I have learnt since then that no matter how aggressive your link building campaign is, if your site and your individual posts and pages are poorly optimized you will not get the greatest benefit from your backlinking campaigns. Not only that, but a competitor who knows what he is doing with on page optimisation can actually outrank you with much fewer backlinks.

That’s why it’s absolutely essential that you get your on page optimization spot on. Otherwise, you will be wasting a lot of time and money in the backlinking that you do.

  • The main keyword that you are wanting to rank for must be in your title.
  • Make sure the main keyword you are trying to rank for it in your header tags, including H1, H2, and H3.
  • Images are very important as far as search engine optimisation goes. I would recommend that you name your images relevant to the keywords that you are trying to rank for, however, ensuring that you are not spamming with keywords. Make sure that all your images have alt text for the main keyword that you are trying to rank for. Let’s say, for example,you are trying to rank for SEO Classes. You could name one image cheap SEO Classes, you could name another image best Best SEO Classes, you couldname another image Easy SEO Classes; and have similar alt text for each image.
  • Make sure you have your main keyword appearing at the very start of the page content and also in the last sentence of the page..
  • Keep your keyword density low. Generally speaking, between 3 and 5 % is the ideal.
  • Do not have any outgoing links on your sites that are irrelevant. Let’ s say your blog is about Tech. Do not have external links going out to Weight loss Site.
  • Make sure all external links on your blog are no follow.
  • Make sure that every post or page on your blog links out to another piece of content on your blog with the main keyword that you’re trying to rank for on that post. For example, let’s say that your post is about quilts.What you need to do is link to an internal piece of content on your blog with the anchor text quilts.
  • Make sure that every post or page on your site links out to an authority site with the main keyword that you are trying to rank for. Using the quilt example above, you would have a look at sites like Wikipedia etc and link back to that site withthe keyword quilts. For best results you can create the link so that it does not look clickable on your page, but it will still carry weight. Here is what it will look like: Blogging.
  • Make sure that there is at least one image on every post.
  • Make sure that you bold, underline and italicise the main keyword thatyou are trying to rank for in that post or page at least once.
  • In days gone by keyword stuffing was common and people could get high rankings just by having the main keyword appear many times in a post or page. However, that is no longer the case. LSI is very important in the eyes of Google and Google wants to see LSI on every post or page that you create. For example, LSI phrases would be SEO training, SEO training For you, SEO training Classes , etc. If you can’t think of LSI keywords try using the google keyword tool or Google wonder wheel feature.
  • Make sure that the content that is on your site is at least 500 words inlength for optimal results.
  • Make sure that if you have categories on your site that the categories contain your main keyword that you are trying to rank for. For example, let’s say your blog is about photo Tech. For best results your categories should contain Tech Reviews such as cheap Tech Gadget , expensive Techs, etc.
  • Google looks closely at the bounce rate which shows how long visitors stay at your website. It is very important for this reason that your content keeps your visitors as long as possible on your site. For this reason you may want to include videos or video on your home page because these are generally longer to view and will improve your bounce rate performance
  • Make sure to follow good linking practices as far as linking to internal posts on your log. There are a number of free plug-ins that can help you with inter linking your content
  • Strive to add fresh content to your site frequently. The more often you update your site, the more often Google and the other search engines will visit it and index it.

On Page Optimization Tips

On page optimization method is a most important SEO technique which contains actions that are completed on the webpage. 
On Page Optimization TipsWhatever you do on your website to boost its search engine friendliness and relevancy is termed as on website search engine optimization and this is the primary step towards your SEO achievement. If your website is not having suitable on page elements, then your website might lose out on prospective organic traffic.

Consequently make sure that all the necessary on page activities are executed in the right way and if your tricks are accurate, at that time you are on half your track on achieving your aims. Here are some chief on page essentials which would play a significant role and you must be concerned.

1. Title, ALT and Meta tags - The ALT tag or Title tag or the Meta tags must be present in the appropriate way and if these basic elements are absent then your webpage would be at bigger risk on losing out on chief search engine traffic.

2. The content on your webpage - The content on your web page should confidently speak about your product, service or anything that is fully relevant and you offer from your page. The content should be error free, simple to read and informative.

3. The density of relevant keywords on your web pages – The amount of keywords that you decide for optimization should be selected wisely and as per the construction of your website. You should use the related keywords also on your web pages.

4. The number of pages on your website - The quantity of web pages on your site plays an important responsibility in your on page optimization achievement. The more number of pages is better to optimize for a wider variety of keywords.

5. Appropriate internal linking structure - There should be inner links on your pages to other web pages of your website, which is usually termed as internal linking or inner linking. It will give a most important increase for your on page SEO practices.

6. Website construction - The website construction should be clean and extremely user friendly. The website structural design should always follow the chief search engine principles as a result that the search engine crawlers can easily crawl through your webpage.

7. Robots.txt file organizer - If there are lots of unwanted folders or files in your website, your substance get too much weak and as a effect may fall out significantly in search engine ranking positions. In that case a Robots.txt be able to play a most important role by blocking unnecessary folders or files and there by increasing the text attention level of the website.

8. HTML code optimization of your webpages - The HTML tag or code of your web pages should also be fresh and search engine friendly. Better to keep away from any heavy scripts or some type of codes that may generate troubles for the search engine spiders to crawl the page.

SEO On-Page Optimization Tips

SEO On-Page Optimization Tips
Avoid the following things which can get you in trouble with search engines:

  • - Don't use hidden text or hidden links.
  • - Don't employ cloaking or lightning fast java redirects.
  • - Don't load up your pages with irrelevant words.
  • - Don't create multiple pages, sub-domains, or domains with substantially duplicate content.
Did you know that every page of your website stands on its own?

Every page should have a unique title, description, and keyword tag. The description tag should describe ONLY that page. The keyword tag should include keywords for just that page. Include 5-6 keywords, including the main keyword phrase and synonyms of that keyword phrase.

Don't make the mistake of including every keyword that could possibly describe what your site is about in your keyword tag. Make your keyword meta tag specific for each page.

The keyword tag holds very little importance anyway, but be sure to make it page specific. FOCUS!

Do you have a site map on your website?

In Google's Terms of Service, they suggest that you use a site map, so set one up immediately! There are many excellent programs that will create site maps for you. Put a link to your site map on every single page of your site, and link to your other pages using link text that describes those pages. This link building service includes Google Sitemap Generator Setup, absolutely FREE.

Stay away from “little” keywords.

When you’re looking for terms to optimize for, especially primary key phrases, it is generally a good idea to stay away from “little” keywords, such as the, and, or, for, etc.

Does keyword in domain name make sense?

People often seem to ask how important it is to include keywords that they want to rank for in their domain name. The answer is that it’s not essential, but it helps a lot.

Make title from 3 to 9 words!

Page title elements are normally 3-9 words (60-80 characters) maximum in length, no fluff, straight and to the point. This is what shows up in most search engine results as a link back to your page. Make sure your Page Title Element(title tag) is relevant to the content on the page.

Describe your site in META!

The META description tag usually consists of 25 to 30 words or less using no more than 160 to 180 characters total (including spaces). The META description also shows up in many search engine results as a summary of your site.

Make sure your META Description Tag is relevant to the content on the page.

Insert keywords in META tag.

For those search engines that are META enabled, the META keywords tag used to be one of the most important areas after the page title and page description. It has been abused by both marketers and consumers alike that there is very little weight given to the META keywords tag.

Don't fret over your META keywords tag. Utilize keywords and keyword phrases from your title element, META description tag, heading tag and first one or two paragraphs of visible content. Try to limit it to 15 to 20 words if possible.

Don't forget about heading tag.

At least one heading tag <H1> should appear at the top of your page and be well written using prime keywords and keyword phrases. You can use CSS to control the appearance of the heading tags.

Do you know what is Alt?

Alt text is the line of text you see pop up when you place your cursor over an image. It also displays a text representation of the image when the user has images turned off in their browser (this is the intended behavior). It is highly recommended that you utilize this area as it is required under accessibility laws and, is indexed by the search engines.

Alt in Internet Explorer is different than in other browsers.

Internet Explorer (IE) will display alt text when you hover your cursor over an element that utilizes the alt attribute. This is incorrect behavior as the alt text is designed to be displayed when the user has their images turned off while browsing. Other browsers such as Opera and Mozilla will not display the alt text on hover.

Traits of Alt.

The alt attribute should not to be stuffed with keywords or phrases. The alt text should mirror the content of the image. If it is a graphic header, then your alt attribute should mirror the text in the graphic header.

Alternative text values should not exceed 80 characters in length. If more than 70-80 characters are required one should use the longdesc attribute as an alternative to alt text.
Make sure your Alt Attribute is relevant to the content for that image.

Avoid graphic links.

Many web sites utilize graphic representations of links. These are visually appealing, but the text in the image cannot be indexed by the spiders.

Content is King.

Content (visible copy) weighs heavily and is considered one of the primary areas of search engine optimization and marketing.

Your content should be written in a way that grabs the users attention, while utilizing your targeted keywords and keyword phrases. There is a method to placement of the keywords and keyword phrases that will help your web site gain better placement in the search engines. Balance is essential and creating that balance takes knowledge and experience.

Add content regularly

You should make it your goal to add at least one new page of content daily if possible. If not, then once a week is acceptable. You want to keep your website content fresh and give your visitors something to come back for on their next visit. Stale website content may not perform as well as fresh website content.

Utilize last modified dates on your pages so that visitors to your site know when the page was last modified and how fresh the content is.

Name files with keywords

Instead of naming your file pagename.asp, you would name it keyword-phrase.asp or page-name.asp. Always use hyphens (-) to separate the words in your file names, use all lower case for file naming, this includes images too.

Name directories appropriately

Be descriptive with naming directories. Don't get carried away, but make sure at least one keyword or keyword phrase appears in the directory name. Don't forget to use hyphens (-) to separate the words.

Don't stuff keywords in title

Don't stuff a bunch of keywords in your title separated by commas. It is one of the most unprofessional practices and it doesn't work real well for scan friendliness.

Define which products have the highest profit margin?

A product that is less searched but has a higher profit margin would be easier to obtain a search engine ranking and would yield higher revenues.

Use only one < H1 > tag per page, and use your keyword phrase in the tag.

Use it toward the top of the page. Make sure it captures your visitors' attention as soon as they land on your site. Also, make sure your first paragraph or the first words you use are interesting and designed to hold your visitors' attention. If you don't grab their attention and HOLD IT in the very beginning, they'll hit the back button and go back to the search results . . . it's as simple as that.

Another tip on freshening up some of your Title Tags.

Think about this. Turn some of your titles into a question. Asking a question is a great attention getter.

  • - Where on earth would you go if you had your pilot license?
  • - What would you do if your career was terminated?
  • - When should you submit your web pages?
By asking a question, you create more response because it makes the reader think.

Did you know that there is some relevancy advantage in larger sites at the point that you begin to have around 100 pages or more indexed?

Something seems to happen around the 100 page mark. Remember to focus on building quality content of genuine value to your readers.

How fast do your pages load?

Did you know that if your page loads too slowly, you could be deterring some search engine robots from crawling your website? Try and ensure your page loads within under 30 seconds (or even faster.) If your graphics are too bulky, check out a service called to accelerate your page loading speed.

Prominence is best described as how close to the beginning of a specific area in which the keyword appears.

A keyword or keyword phrase that appears closer to the top of the page or area may often be considered mildly more relevant.

Next time you are working on an important sales letter, remember to spend at least 50% of your time working on that all important headline text.

This includes both the Title Tag and your main < H1 > Header on the page. Little changes to Heading text can make huge impacts with a little thought.

Here is a variety of free validators you can use to check your CSS Style Sheets or HTML Validation or several other unique free tools from the

How compelling are your Meta descriptions?

  • - Do you remember to use your important keyword phrase in the description?
  • - Are you taking time to write unique descriptions for each of your pages?
  • - How about a call to action? Do you remember to include good calls to action in your description?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Official Google Panda Update Version 3.7 On June 8th

Google has confirmed the rumors of a Panda refresh happening over the weekend.

Google Panda Update Version 3.7
Google said this refresh started rolling out on Friday, June 8th and has an impact of less than 1% of search queries in the U.S. and about 1% worldwide.

As I said, the search forums took notice to major changes in the search results, specifically impacting sites that were originally hit by the Panda update. I reached out to Google this morning for a confirmation and they have confirmed the update.

Previously, Google pushed out Panda 3.6 on April 27th, about 6 weeks before this update. Google tends to do Panda and even Penguin refreshes every one to two months.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hired by Twitter for 80 Lakhs Per Annum, IITian From Madhya Pradesh Heads to California

It's a dream come true for 22-year-old Swapnil Jain, a computer science graduate from IIT-Delhi. Swapnil, who hails from Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh, has been offered a job by micro-blogging website Twitter - at a whopping package of R
s. 80 lakh per annum.

He is moving to California in October to start his new job.

Hired by Twitter for 80 Lakhs Per Annum
"Twitter has offered me a software engineer's job during the placement in IIT-Delhi. It was my dream to work for companies like Twitter or Facebook. I have worked very hard and my efforts have paid off," he said.

Swapnil says this is the first time in the last two years that Twitter has hired someone from India. And he is thrilled.

"I want to represent my country and hope that I'm able to make my family and city proud," he said.

Swapnil credits his success to his family, especially his parents. His grandfather, Babu Lal Jain, is a well-known lawyer in Vidisha and his father has a jewellery showroom.

"I am very happy. He made this possible through his hard work and dedication," said Swapnil's father Sanjay Jain.

Google Deploying Camera-Equipped Airplanes Over Cities For 3D Maps

Google Inc is deploying a fleet of small, camera-equipped airplanes above several cities, the Internet search company's latest step in its ambitious and sometimes controversial plan to create a digital map of the world.

Google 3D Maps

Google plans to release the first three-dimensional maps for several cities by the end of the year, the company said at a news conference at its San Francisco offices on Wednesday.

Google declined to name the cities, but it showed a demonstration of a 3D map of San Francisco, in which a user can navigate around an aerial view of the city.

"We're trying to create the illusion that you're just flying over the city, almost as if you were in your own personal helicopter," said Peter Birch, a product manager for Google Earth.

Google 3D Maps

Google's head of engineering for its maps product, Brian McClendon, said the company was using a fleet of airplanes owned and operated by contractors and flying exclusively for Google.

Asked about potential privacy implications, McClendon said the privacy issues were similar to all aerial imagery and that the type of 45-degree-angle pictures that the planes take have been used for a long time.

Google has used airplanes to collect aerial photos in the past, such as following the 2010 San Bruno, Calif. gas-line explosion, but the latest effort marks the first time the company will deploy the planes in a systemic manner to build a standard feature in one of its products.

Google 3D Maps

By the end of the year, Google said it expects to have 3D map coverage for metropolitan areas with a combined population of 300 million people. The first 3D cityscape will be available within weeks.

This image released by Google shows a three-dimensional view of the Cliff House in San Francisco on Google Earth. (AP)

Google has for years operated a fleet of camera-equipped cars that crisscross the globe taking panoramic pictures of streets for its popular mapping service. The cars have raised privacy concerns in some countries.

Sprint users: The hot new HTC EVO 4G LTE will hit stores this Saturday

If you're a Sprint customer up for contract renewal now or in the near future, there's a new hotness coming to town this weekend: the HTC EVO 4G LTE. Running the latest version of Android, Ice Cream Sandwich, the svelte new smartphone features a 4.7" display, dual-core processor, 8-megapixel camera, Beats Audio, 16GB internal storage, and support for NFC for mobile payments and wireless data transfer.


As the name cryptically implies, the new HTC smartphone features support for Sprint's brand new 4G LTE network — so brand-spanking-new, in fact, that it rather barely even exists yet. The new device succeeds the original HTC EVO 4G launched back in 2010, which had the distinction of being the very first handset to run on Sprint's WiMax network — at the time, the first true 4G cell network in the U.S. It also had the distinction of having some pretty terrible battery life as a result, so we hope the new edition isn't plagued by the same frustrating shortcoming.

After a short delay at U.S. Customs over one of those pesky patent squabbles, the HTC EVO 4G LTE will finally be on offer at a Sprint store near you this Saturday, June 2, for an on-contract price of $199. Will you be picking one up?

Google Launches Full-Scale Shopping in Search

Today, Google begins an experiment to change the way you shop online. When you search for a product, Google will deliver paid listings for shopping options right next to the search results. By searching for a product, you've demonstrated a possible intent to buy it, so Google has extended its search results with a department store where merchants can sell it to you.

Google Shopping

Google is not selling products the way Amazon does. Rather, it's giving merchants who use its commercial ad model the opportunity to sell to you from the Google search results page. The ads aren't simply text. They include images and descriptions and current prices, and they only show items that are in stock. Google's shopping ads come with an API that lets merchants keep their listings accurate.

Google and merchants "have shared incentives to make sure this information is accurate," says Sameer Samat, Google's VP of product management for Google Shopping. These are ads, certainly, but they're also search results, and Google has to provide the most informative and accurate results here or else shoppers will head straight to Amazon. "It's about the reliability of the data. Consumer expectations have risen over the years, and this information needs to be accurate."

So instead of a mixture of small ads along the top, text ads on the side and shopping links inside search results, a large box will present Google Shopping ads within product-related searches. Google is testing a few layouts, but basically it will either be a row of products within the organic results or in a big box on the right side.

Sponsored listings will be clearly marked as ads, but they'll also be much more attractive than ordinary search results. They'll resemble the info boxes for the recently launched Google Knowledge Graph, except that shopping results will be marked "Sponsored."

Old Google product results:

Old Google Shopping

New Google Shopping results:

New Google Shopping

Google's New Kind of "Paid Inclusion"
Google has long shown shopping results in Universal Search. "Universal" refers to organic Google results that are more than simple links to webpages, such as images, news stories, hotel rooms and flights. Those aren't ads, they're just different kinds of data than pure webpages, so Google gives them a different presentation.

But as Google has added more shopping opportunities to Universal Search, it has started to move toward paid inclusion. MarketingLand reported yesterday that this seems to violate principles Google laid out explicitly in the past. Google didn't do so-called "paid inclusion" before. Results floated to the top of search because their reputation on the Web was the best.

But with all these new Universal sections, Google has begun to sell the opportunity to be listed. It has to keep these results up-to-date and accurate, and the only way to do it is to charge the providers as ad partners. It hasn't compromised organic search, but it has created these big, attractive boxes - labeled "sponsored" for clarity - in which merchants can pay to play.

Merchants will now bid on the opportunity to be listed in Google Shopping results, and organic search results for other products will be less enticing. But this isn't a clear-cut case to point and laugh at Google's unfortunate "Don't be evil" mantra again. Google Shopping results will provide people who are searching for products with the information needed to make a purchase, and if they're just doing research, the organic search results will be there below.

If Google is going to make money off of searches for products, it's not just a matter of running text ads. Google has to make search results into a storefront. If it can pull off the presentation and convince merchants to pay and participate, Google could break people of the habit of going to sites like Amazon to shop.

The experiments start on today, and merchants can participate by setting up Product Listing Ads campaigns. There will be a transition period this summer as shopping results move away from free, Universal Search results toward paid listings. Google plans to complete the transition by this fall.

Samsung Galaxy S3 hits store shelves in India

Samsung Electronics launched its flagship Galaxy S3 smartphone in India on Thursday, making an aggressive push to counter Apple's popular iPhones in a competitive market.

Samsung Galaxy S3
The 16 GB smartphone, priced at 43,180 rupees in India, runs on the Android 4.0 platform and features a 4.8 inch screen.

The Galaxy S3, powered by Samsung's quad-core microprocessor, also tracks the user's eye movements to keep the screen from dimming or turning off while in use.

Samsung packs new features such as the S Voice, its equivalent of Apple's Siri, and launched its own music service on the device. The S3 also boasts of an 8 megapixel rear camera.

"India is one of the top three strategic markets in the world for Samsung," a company release quoted H.C. Ryu, Samsung's vice president of sales and marketing, as saying at the phone's launch in India.

The company is aiming to outsell its previous model S2 that helped the South Korean firm topple Apple as the world's largest smartphone maker.